The (one and only) Time I Succeeded Roasting Pumpkin Seeds

First off, I know without a doubt that I will NEVER be famous for roasting pumpkin seeds. Like, ever. Mainly because this is my first year out of 25, (give and take a few years since some of the time I was too young to use an oven) that I actually succeeded.

The last time I had delicious, home-roasted pumpkin seeds I was about 8 years old and my mom sprinkled salt on them and they were crispy and delicious!

Well, a few years and failures later, mine finally taste delicious, similar to kettle corn or popcorn with sugar and cinnamon on top! Eat up!

The Success Story

First off, you need to carve a pumpkin. This entire pumpkin seed roasting success story will be much more satisfying if you worked hard for the seeds.

Ok, great! Now we can move on.

What you’ll need:
– 2 tbs butter (melted)
– 3 tsp of cinnamon
– 2 tsp vanilla
– 2 tsp white sugar
– 2 tsp brown sugar (packed)

— Rinse the pumpkin guts off the seeds as best as possible in a strainer
— Lay seeds on a cutting board or tin foil to dry overnight. **DO NOT leave them to dry on paper towels or all of your hard work de-seeding that pumpkin will become a huge fail right then and there because the seeds will dry to the paper towel and be a lost cause.
— The next day your seeds should be mostly dry! Yay!
— Preheat Oven to 325*
— Place seeds in a bowl
— Add all ingredients listed above and stir together
— Spread seeds evenly in a baking dish with sides, lined with aluminum foil **You’ll thank me later because you won’t be scraping a sugar/cinnamon coated pan 😉
— Bake seeds for 10 minutes at a time for about 30 mins. ** This is very important because you will want to take them out every 10 minutes to stir/flip them around!
— The last 10 minutes, you can sprinkle some extra sugar on top for good measure 😉
— WAH-LA, Success!

The Hoosier Peach